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Connected Life

FairConnect provides technologies and services to insurance companies enabling connected solutions to improve the lives of policyholders.

cartoon office worker with handshake and symbols around head


Our connected solutions help reduce the risks associated with life on the go and at home. Lower risks mean lower costs for the company and for the policyholder!

avatars interconnected in the network

Connected Solutions

Leading insurance carriers adopt our solutions to improve the performance of their internal processes and provide value-added services. to their customers.

users connected to the network


We currently serve over 800,000 connected users worldwide, mostly in Italy and France.


Operating sectors

interconnected car


We collect data through IoT devices and Smartphones and process and classify them with advanced proprietary algorithms to extract relevant information for insurance companies to create programs focused on policyholders needs.
All collected and analyzed data is stored in an dedicated Data Center, with the highest data protection standards.
We provide relevant insights and alerts to the carrier and the driver and generate a risk analysis based on each customer driving style.

connected home


We constantly monotor home environment to provide relevant information to the customer and the carrier, to prevent risks and generate a risk analysis based on the relevant events. The data collected can encourage environmental sustainability, helping the person to monitor and reduce consumption in terms of electricity and gas. It is possible to increase the engagement of customers through a reward system based on the policyholder's behaviour. An internal team of qualified engineers design and develop our solutions.

The strengths of the company

  • driver while driving car driver while driving car

    Driver behavior analysis

    Each driver is evaluated considering his specific risk and not on location, age, profession or other non-personal parameters and receives personalized hints and support

  • green lawn with wooden Eco Friendly sign green lawn with wooden Eco Friendly sign


    Trip analysis allows drivers to evaluate the environmental impact of their driving and reduce it, thanks to targeted and timely suggestions.

  • girl immersed in the interconnected smart car girl immersed in the interconnected smart car


    The policyholder and the vehicle drivers are encouraged to responsible driving with personalized messages related to driving style and advice from the digital assistant on how to improve in various areas.

  • call center employee during computer support phone call with headset and microphone call center employee during computer support phone call with headset and microphone

    Active and continuous assistance

    Fairconnect provides assistance 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, through its Operations Center or possibly other specialized centers chosen by the Company.

  • smartphone with smart app services for car management and claims smartphone with smart app services for car management and claims

    Claims management

    Through our App we are able to detect an accident in real time and reconstruct the dynamics of the event (exact geolocation, direction of the impact, position of the collision on the car, timing, etc.).

  • smartphone with smart app services for consumption management smartphone with smart app services for consumption management

    Value-added services

    Connected solutions simplify the lives of policyholders with additional services: Find myCar, Trip reports, Consumption monitoring, Vehicle movement alerts, etc.

  • technician in data center walking in server room with all racks connected technician in data center walking in server room with all racks connected

    Data Collection

    FairConnect has developed various solutions for data collection, to meet different needs in terms of cost, required services, ease of activation and quality and richness of the data to be collected.

    • guidatore mentre guida auto guidatore mentre guida auto

      Analisi comportamenti del driver

      Ogni driver ha la possibilità di essere valutato in base al proprio rischio specifico e non per localizzazione, età, professione o altri parametri non personali
    • Ecosostenibilità

      L'analisi dei viaggi consente di valutare l'impatto ambientale della propria guida e di ridurlo, grazie a suggerimenti mirati e puntuali.
    • Engagement

      L'assicurato ed i guidatori del veicolo vengono sensibilizzati ad una guida responsabile con messaggi personalizzati legati allo stile di guida e consigli da parte dell'assistente digitale su come migliorare in vari ambiti.
    • Assistenza attiva e continua

      Fairconnect fornisce assistenza 24 ore su 24 e 365 giorni all'anno, attraverso la propria Centrale Operativa o eventualmente altre centrali specializzate scelte dalla Compagnia.
    • Gestione sinistri

      Attraverso la nostra App siamo in grado di rilevare in tempo reale un sinistro e ricostruire la dinamica dell'evento (geolocalizzazione esatta, direzione dell’impatto, posizione urto sull’autovettura, timing, ecc).
    • Servizi a valore aggiunto

      Le soluzioni connesse semplificano la vita degli assicurati con servizi aggiuntivi: Find myCar, Report percorsi, Monitoraggio dei consumi, Alert di spostamento veicolo, ecc..
    • Raccolta Dati

      FairConnect ha sviluppato diverse soluzioni per la raccolta dei dati, per rispondere a diverse esigenze in termini di costo, servizi richiesti, semplicità di attivazione e qualità e ricchezza dei dati da raccogliere.
      logo FairConnect
      Connected Life


      We serve over 800,000 connected users in Italy and France